Data protection is crucial, especially when handling personal data in security or public video displays. Various solutions are available to mask different types of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in live video, such as faces, entire bodies, vehicles, or license plates. These measures ensure that individuals captured in live recordings can have greater confidence in the protection of their personal data.
Axis Live Privacy Shield is a robust and free application designed specifically for privacy protection, offering a highly configurable set of dynamic privacy masking features. It integrates seamlessly with popular video management systems (VMS) like Milestone XProtect and Axis Camera Station, as well as live streaming platforms such as Streamdays and YouTube. This video provides a detailed explanation of Axis Live Privacy Shield and how it functions.
Under law, privacy should be considered carefully when implementing or using a security system with cameras which capture scenes with PII. Systems should be designed carefully to ensure that PII capture is limited and data protection is robust.
If you need help or advice on choosing a cloud VMS or analytics solution for your business, please contact us. Our experts are on hand to answer your questions.