This document sets out our commitment to the delivery of quality throughout our business activity and how this is monitored and achieved.
Quality Management Statement (QMS)
NW Security Group Limited aim to deliver a high-quality service to its customers and operate to the SSAIB Code of Practice to demonstrate this quality commitment. We aspire to be the best in all aspects of our business and to build long-term reciprocal partnerships with our clients. We also acknowledge that ensuring our services are fully compliant with all relevant legislation, industry standards, and other applicable quality requirements is integral to customer satisfaction.
In conjunction with these philosophies, NW Security Group Limited are also committed to managing business activities to stimulate continual improvement and maintain compliance with the requirements of the recognised international standard ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems.
The NW Security Group Quality Management System is enabled by this policy and establishes processes to support achievement of these stated intentions regarding customer focus and satisfaction, compliance with requirements, and continual improvement.
This QMP applies to the design, installation, supply, and maintenance of electronic video (security) systems. Our Quality Management Systems relate to the NW Security Group, inclusive of NW Security Store processes.
Operating Procedures
Our operating procedures are designed to at least meet the requirements as detailed in the SSAIB Code of Practice, as well as achieve clauses as incorporated within ISO9001:2015.
Our operating framework ensures service delivery quality by means of a number of procedural tools, forms, and checklists that are required to be used and/or completed. All relevant procedural documents, communications, and job notes made are recorded and stored for each installation we perform.
In addition to the established arrangements, the Managing Director will set quality-related objectives which will be published within the QMS. Where possible, the objectives will have measurable targets and progress towards their achievement will be monitored through QMS Management Review meetings.
Products and/or system delivery will be in compliance with customer requirements and agreed specifications. Compliance is verified by appointed senior management, internal auditing processes, and external verification.
We recognise that realisation of these policy commitments depends on the experience, quality, and commitment of our members of staff, and on ongoing investment in their training, development, and associated resources. Each employee must implement and operate the elements of the Quality Management System relevant to them, provide feedback on areas for improvement, and encourage involvement from others.
Policy review and amendments
Our QMS and operating procedures are dynamic documents and are subject to ongoing monitoring and amendment in accordance with our aim to seek continuous improvement. The Managing Director and his team will continually monitor this policy and ensure it is updated as necessary. It will be reviewed at least every 12 months.
Frank Crouwel, Managing Director
NW Security Group Limited
(Note: the above is an unsigned copy of our Quality Management Policy)