Questions to test your CCTV compliance with the GDPR
To help provide an answer, we've created a simple set of questions with yes/no answers and guidance on how you can move to the next step. If you're a home user, then you can stop reading now, as this applies to businesses and organisations only.
Do you have an aim or need for the camera/system?
Have you considered the alternatives?
Will your system show individuals?
Have you considered privacy?
Do you capture public areas like roads and paths?
Do you view your footage in real time?
Is your footage stored securely?
That's good news. How is this enforced?
Have you got "CCTV in operation" signs?
Do you have policies and procedures for CCTV?
Do you regularly review your requirements?
The end?
These questions are intended as a high-level overview of the most common requirements of the GDPR. If you want more detailed information, read our guide to the GDPR for CCTV.