Morphean | NW-EBR-FHD-03
Morphean Cloud Access and 3-Day Recording - Subscription
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Record video footage from your Axis camera directly into the Morphean Cloud CCTV platform, giving you quick and easy access to camera footage when you need it.
- Only £18.50 per month (excl. VAT)
- Three months’ rolling contract
- High-quality Morphean cloud platform, exclusive for use with Axis cameras
- Fully managed service, and includes set up support
- Ideal for multi-site businesses
- Receive alert notifications via your mobile
Overview of Morphean Cloud Access and 3-DAY Recording - Subscription
- Morphean Cloud CCTV platform, exclusive for Axis IP cameras
- Cloud recording at HD 1080p resolution
- For 24/7 monitoring with instant alert notification
- Morphean cloud account with access via Mobile App or via Desktop
- Access and view cameras from different sites in one overview via your Morphean Cloud dashboard
- Axis camera connects directly to your Morphean Cloud account without the need for an on-site bridge or gateway
- Highly secure system with encryption between camera and platform
What you get?
- You will have all the features included with Morphean Cloud Access
- Plus, recording of event footage directly to your Morphean Cloud account, with the camera footage retained in your account for a period of 3 days
- Note that, in addition, you can freely record to an SD card in your Axis camera, and access this on-camera footage via your Morphean Cloud account with equal ease. Typically, customers keep footage on the SD cards for longer, e.g. 14 or 30 days, providing the SD card is large enough
General subscription terms and conditions:
- The subscription is on a three months rolling basis. It renews after three months for a further period of three months. This rolling three months renewal continues until the subscription is terminated.
- NW will invoice the customer quarterly in advance with payment due within 30 days from invoice date. Payments can be made by Direct Debit, BACS or a debit or credit card.
- The subscription can be terminated by the customer giving NW a minimum of one month notice prior to the three months renewal date. Termination notice must be in writing, email accepted.
- The subscription can be terminated by NW if invoice payment by the customer is overdue by more than seven days. On termination by NW for reason of overdue payment by the customer, all charges for the remainder of the then period will fall due for payment immediately.
- This subscription is available to businesses or public sector organisations only. All subscriptions are subject to approval by NW. Subscriptions are not available to individuals.
- The Morphean terms and conditions of use apply.